Hello bro, want to share with ya ..
Create a bro who is engaged in architecture or in need data2 about the characteristics of teak wood, hopefully this is useful

Teak is a timber class for strength, durability and beauty. Technically, teak wood has the strength class I and class durability I. Wood is very resistant to termite attack.
Although loud and powerful, easy to cut teak wood and done, so that preferred to make furniture and carvings. Has a smooth sanded wood surfaces such as slippery and greasy. Circular patterns in the wood seems clear terrace, resulting in a beautiful picture.
With the subtlety of texture and beauty of the color of the wood, teak wood is classified as a luxury. Therefore, the identity of many processed into garden furniture, interior furniture, handicrafts, panels, and stair-class.
Although relatively easily processed, teak is very strong and durable famous, and not easily change shape by changing weather. Above reason, teak is also used as an ingredient dock port, sleepers, bridges, commercial vessels, and warships. Carpenter in Europe in the 19th century, reputedly request additional wages if you have to treat teak. This is because teak wood so hard to be able to blunt the power tools and confiscate them. Manual of British Marine even suggested to avoid a Chinese junk boat made of teak because it can damage the steel ship British marines if collide.
In the 17th century, was recorded if the people of South Sulawesi, using the roots of identity as a yellow dye-producing natural brown and yellow for their wickerwork. In East Java, the island of Bawean brew teak leaves to produce a natural red-brown dye. People choose to brew collision Lamongan young leaves. Meanwhile, the island of Madura teak mixing collisions with tamarind leaves. In those days, people with cholera were encouraged to drink steeping the leaves of teak wood and bitter as the antidote to pain.
Teak burma teak slightly more powerful than Java. However, in Indonesia alone, teak java to be excellent. Java teak texture smoother and stronger than teak wood from other regions in the country. Export products called barium java teak (teak Javanese, especially from Central Java and East Java) are very well known and hunted by collectors abroad.
According to the properties of wood, in Java, people familiar with several types of teak (Mahfudz et al., Tt):
Lengo teak or teak night, has a hard wood, heavy, feel smooth when touched and the like contain oil (Jw.: lengo, oil, evening, candle). Dark-colored, many stained and striped.
Teak sungu. Black, dense and heavy (Jw.: sungu, horn).
Teak werut, with hard wood and wavy fibers.
Teak doreng, woody very hard with color stripe black-stripe light, very beautiful.
Teak flowers.
Teak lime, wood whitish in color because it contains a lot of lime. Less strong and less durable.
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