Know Your Number FengShui Your House

The concept of numbers or numbers are the thing that counts in fengsui. Many believe, the figure implies a lot of things so that the term good numbers and bad numbers. Fengsui number 4 for example, are often poorly defined due to a misunderstanding of a particular cultural interpretation.
In connection with your home, every detail is important in analyzing fengsui, including house number. Even so, whether it is wise to say, there is fengsui good, or bad fengsui in house number? Then, how do you respond fengsui with the fact that your house number is considered to have fengsui bad?
Well, it's good if you look at this issue with a broader perspective.
When you connect more deeply with the energy of your home, you'll begin to understand how fengsui from the bedroom, for example, affect your health, or fengsui at the main entrance to strengthen the overall energy of your home.
In addition it is important to notice detail while improving fengsui home, it is also important means to calm and wise when addressing the concept of a false fengsui fengsui like the house number. So, if you believe that house numbers be a source of misfortune, of course it's not a smart attitude.
The best way to understand the pure energy of the figures are looking into numerology or the ancient science of numbers. Once you browse some good sources of numerology, you'll begin to see similarities between them and energy to understand more about specific numbers, or a combination of numbers. You will also understand that each culture has interpretations rather different to the meaning of the figures.
Energy from the figures, as well as other energy in life, always coming to help understand your progress. Once you feel the meaning of the numbers 0 through 9, you can then add your house number to find single-digit numbers and their meanings.
Do not interpret the meaning of the figures directly. For example, if your house number is 313, that if add up (3 + 1 + 3) means 7, and one of the tendency of the number 7 is the silence / solitude, do not interpret that will remain alone forever.
Try to respond wisely. Words can only express a limited basis. You should feel the energy behind those words.

This is a very basic sense of energy figures:
0 - emptiness, nothingness, the potential
1 - energy flow without obstruction, the beginning-a new beginning
2 - balance, choice, cooperation
3 - creativity, family, self declaration
4 - stability, grounding, security
5 - change, power stands logic, adventure
6 - calm, patience
7 - contemplation, self-evaluation, loneliness
8 - infinity, abundance, success in business
9 - the highest number, fulfillment, achievement.
In fengsui, energy figures tend to be interpreted incorrectly, such as the traditional interpretation of figures based on how the sound of the numbers in Chinese. For example, the number 4 is considered unlucky because it sounds like "death". If that figure 4 does not sound like "death" in your language, why you should worry have a house with that number?
Of course, this is the basic concept of house numbers in feng shui. One expert fengsui can read more specific energy patterns from a combination of the numbers of your home, but even this is not simply a matter of good or bad fengsui. This is all just about energy, and you certainly know when you can create good energy when you take a decision.
Source: indospiritual