I want to apologize for not posting early on Monday as usual. I was out looking at apartments...for five hours. I haven't had to go through this process for over five years and I am ready to keel over from exhaustion. I did not find my dream home today but I have hope for one of the places I am seeing tomorrow. As much as I dread moving, I am excited to redecorate. I saved the photo above as a concept for my desk area. (I lost the credit so please let me know if you know where it originated.) I have a similar French chair also upholstered in blue velvet and definitely need to find a rolling tiered table for my printer. Needless to say, I also love the gallery wall. I have a lot of art but may have to troll the flea market for more to create a composition that large. I think the shopping and decorating is the only thing getting me through this ordeal. Keep your fingers crossed that I find a place soon!