Tokyo | Sunday, 15/05/2011 21:43 pm | By: Endang Suherman
Sony announced it would begin to re-enter the PlayStation video game network on Sunday (15 / 5).
Services will begin a gradual improvement in the U.S., Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the Middle East.
This action is carried out over three weeks after Sony discovered a serious security breach that caused the theft of personal data of millions of users.
The company estimates that the network, including service Qriocity, can be fully functional at the end of May.
"Repair services of Japan and Asia will start soon," added Sony in a statement quoted by the BBC.
Sony said it is implementing additional security measures and new and provide better protection for users.
Among these elevated levels of encryption and an additional firewall.
"I want to convey deeply sorry that because of this issue, and would like to thank you for patience during the repair process," said vice president of Sony, Kazuo Hirai.
He added the company's aggressive in solving the security problems and make for good consumer protection as the company promises. [end]